Wednesday, September 9, 2009


hey everyone!

we have been very busy this week! sorry about the lack of posts :/
let me start by telling you about what i thought this week was going to be like. as you know, i spent 10 weeks this summer here in matucana with andy and josh. i had an idea of what we were going to be doing and i had a few expectations. i was prepared for certain things. God again taught me to expect the unexpected. within the first day we got into matucana we found out that a church group that we left believing they would stay strong, ended up fizzling out within a couple weeks of us being gone. we were able to talk to the leader (elizabeth) and i believe she just became discouraged when some people didnt show up at a couple meetings and then called it quits. a few of us have talked to and tried to tell her that these things happen but the key is not to give up. we are still trying to help her and disciple herwhile we are here.
another surprise (as most of you have heard) Rosa became a Christian the first night we were here! WOOHOO! we´ve been talking to her all summer and she was always "busy" but that night she was open to what God wanted her to hear! she told us that wants to be baptised but not yet. she first wants to understand what it means and read about in the Bible. that is ok with me :).
this morning we were able to talk to the 4 and 5 year olds at their school and the principle told us we could come back anytime!
this afternoon will be our first time ever in the highschool, so please be praying that it goes well and that we will be able to go back next time!
thank you all for your prayers! i can´t wait to tell you all about it when i get home!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Matucana, Peru Trip September 09

Here it is Monday night. We are already half way through our time is hard to believe. I can tell you all of us here have mentioned many times about feeling the prayers of the people back home...for that Thank you...but keep praying. It was a little crazy driving here, especially driving in Lima. That is quiet the experience. We had a team effort and made it safe and sound. When we arrived it was very apparent from the start that Chelsea and the others who came before made a great impression on the people of Matucana. When they saw Chelsea their faces lit up and so did Chelsea's. Chelsea took Kurt and I to see a lady by the name of Rosa. A very nice lady and she had a nice smile and just a good spirit about her. Chelsea led the conversation but we all played a part and by the end of the conversation she prayed and accepted Jesus in her heart. It was awesome and clearly hearing from Chelsea that was the fruit of alot of people before us talking and sharing the gospel with her. God's timing but our week was off and we were excited more than ever. We have a great team, the people from Alabama are just awesome and it is clear they love Jesus. We all have had divine meetings that God has allowed us to share his word and plant the seed...who knows there may be another Rosa out there. Please keep praying we have some meetings with the schools and some Bible studies scheduled later this week. We have a baptism on Wednesday... we just ask that God's will be done and that He does a work in us and the people here. God Bless.